Here we are, nearing the end of our stay at home orders, maybe. I’m slowly looking through images I’ve collected on a single memory card over the past weeks. The waves of disorientation and sadness have kept me from my usual temptation to capture life through my lens, but at times, I’ve picked up my camera and photographed my surroundings. There’s not a lot of drama, just our ordinary, everyday life in a world that looks a lot different than it did a couple of months ago.
The World I Live In | Stay at Home Orders | Pandemic 2020
Here we are, nearing the end of our stay at home orders, maybe. I’m slowly looking through images I’ve collected on a single memory card over the past weeks. The waves of disorientation and sadness have kept me from my usual temptation to capture life through my lens, but at times, I’ve picked up my camera and photographed my surroundings. There’s not a lot of drama, just our ordinary, everyday life in a world that looks a lot different than it did a couple of months ago.